
Covered 2020
London / Domboshava 2020

About Covered 2020

Covered Clothing Project 2020 (A Mambano Projects Initiative)
London, United Kingdom to Harare, Domboshava Zimbabwe
Target achieved for charity was just over £2000
Teams of 7 volunteers in the UK and 15 in Zimbabwe made the event a success

In aid of clothing, underwear, shoes plus the shipping costs for the amenities donated and purchased to uplift the adopted and chosen Villages of Domboshava, Zimbabwe. The villages are deprived, are below the poverty line and do not have many services that can avail the community to more opportunities in life

This Project was born during the 2020 Pandemic. It was initiated from a place of reflection as we looked at the great abundance of amenities we had here in the UK such as clothes, affordable sanitary options and decent underwear that give us dignity. This was amplified during the Pandemic when we had wardrobes full of all the above unused and we survived well for months with limited need of this excess. In 2019 I travelled to Zimbabwe and also went to the village to see my grandmother who was over 100 years then. She went to be with the Lord some months following that visit.

On that trip the innocent, loving and free-spirited children from surrounding homesteads came to see us, some came with less than proper clothes and others with no underwear at all. It broke my heart, that feeling and vision resurrected as I looked at my bursting wardrobes and spurred us to do something. We shipped about 20 boxes of amenities and named it Covered – That the Lord would cover them.

God bless, Rumbi Gisanrin (Founder)

Mambano Project

See our other Projects

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Talent Development


Walk And Worship
London 2017


Nursery School
Vision 2022/2023


Covered 2.0 2021
London / Domboshava 2021
