
Fashion Meets Faith
London 2019

About Fashion Meets Faith

• Fashion Meets Faith (In partnership with Jesus House London) 2019
• London, Brent Cross United Kingdom
• Target achieved for charity was £1300
• Team of up to 100 volunteers took part to make for the successful event
• In aid of funds to support the Bright Futures For African Children Charity that seeks to enhance education and fair opportunities for children in different parts of Africa

The Project assessed the huge talent that was in the Church. From our core team in Hospitality, we branched out and networked with other departments seeking out talent and potential. During this exercise, we realized that the church had highly influential role models in the public eye that could help draw Christ through their areas of impact and gifts.

In our area alone, we had popular Bloggers, Influencers, Stylists, Hair and Make-Up experts as well as an infusion of talent in modelling and showcasing. Not only that but we had many service providers in or affiliated to the church such as Events Companies, Clothing Designers, Media Services, Hair and Beauty Business owners, Printing Companies, Catering industry, Music Entertaining, Photography, Filming and so much more.

We brought all these services together as well as the different ages in society and hosted a Fashion Show to marry the abundance that existed in and around the church whilst raising funds for our chosen charity Bright Futures For African Children.

God bless, Rumbi Gisanrin (Founder)

Mambano Project

See our other Projects

Covered 2.0 2021
London / Domboshava 2021


Covered 2020
London / Domboshava 2020


In Loving Memory of
Olutayo Thompson


Mambano Clothing Projects Season Finale
Fundraiser 2022
